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Entertainment Centers

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A question may arise: why do we need special Entertainment center? It's a whim, you can do without it. In a sense, this is so, many of which you can do without, including without the AV-equipment itself. Nevertheless, we do not deny ourselves the pleasure of buying a TV, DVD- or Bluray-player, or even a set of electronics for home theater.

Even when there is only one TV in the house, entertainment center can simplify life and revitalize the interior. The owners of home theaters, who need to place the equipment as comfortable and beautiful as possible. That's where the special Entertainment Centres comes to the rescue.

What should be the ideal TV stand or stand for audio equipment? If you ask this question to men and women, the answers will turn out to be completely different. Let's try to solve the eternal conflict of beauty and practicality better and understand what moments are the most important to consider when choosing entertainment centers.

How to choose entertainment centre?

All the same appearance. The first, but, as we will find out a little later, is not the most important thing. Of course, the TV and DVD-player can be placed on the shelves of the usual wall-mounted furniture. And the numerous disks find a place on the shelves, among books and magazines. However, it is better to buy special furniture for the equipment: aesthetic, comfortable and functional.

Think about where your equipment will be located, ahead of time, during repair, or even better - at the stage of designing a home. Then you can foresee, for example, a niche, where you put the cabinet or rack.

Choosing the design of Entertainment Center, you can go one of two ways: pick up items that are appropriate in style to the equipment, or combined with the interior of the room. In the first case, everything is clear: glass, metal, wood - a combination of these materials is typical for most modern entertainment centers. Open and light, they are perfectly combined with thin plasma TVs. If you decide to make AV-furniture a harmonious part of the interior, there will undoubtedly be a solution. You will easily find a company that will produce the stands in accordance with your wishes.

But in both cases you will have to think not only about the outside of the matter. Entertainment center is not just part of the interior, it's also an audio component, on which the sound quality of your equipment depends to a large extent. So the choice of the right furniture that will fit your speakers is very important. Want to bring the sound to perfection? Then buy speaker stands, equipped with spikes. Then their contact with the floor will be minimal, so energy and sound losses will be minimized. If you live in the apartment, your neighbors will thank you.

Another important point: Entertainment Centres should be quite heavy. Otherwise, energy, instead of turning into sound vibrations, will be wasted in vain on the vibration of the hull itself. This is especially important if you are going to use vinyl recorders, especially those sensitive to vibrations. Therefore, pay attention to the racks that have a massive, weighted base.

Convenience is composed of small things. Even if you already have a rough idea of ​​what kind of furniture you want to buy for your equipment, we advise you to pay attention to the "little things" that will make its use pleasant and effective.

Importance of Entertainment Centers

Another argument in favor of furniture specially designed for AV equipment is the taking into account the features of this equipment itself. For example, when you use conventional bedside tables to place amplifiers and Bluray players in them, their doors (which are often made of wood or smoky glass) are not the best choice as these distort the rays emitted by remote controls.

And if you put not only electronics but also acoustics on ordinary tables / pedestals / bedside tables, the viewer of the home theater risks to hear completely inappropriate sound from vibrating furniture instead of clear and pure sound. That's why acoustics also has special furniture.

And, finally, entertainment centers are made taking into account the style of modern AV-equipment, so that the stand with the home theater will look stylish and harmonious, unlike the receivers and amplifiers stuck in the grandmother's bedside table.

Additional harmony and elegance of the whole design will be given by the fact that the wires from the equipment will not haphazardly hang from anywhere, getting tangled and mashing: virtually all AV furniture has integrated cable channels, in which it is convenient and unnoticeable to lay all the wiring.

Types of furniture for AV equipment

All the variety of AV-furniture can be divided into several categories: firstly, they are closed pedestals and open racks. In addition, both stands and pedestals can be designed so that the TV on its own stand is simply placed on top. Alternative - above the counter is a special rack for holding the TV on it. This will allow you to adjust the position of the TV on purpose, and also releases an additional shelf.

In principle, the choice between open and closed racks is determined, first of all, by the aesthetic preferences of the customer. More often than not, openly placed equipment on glass shelves, especially well-chosen in design, fits well into interiors in the style of "high-tech". While a closed pedestal, especially decorated with wood, is a more classic design.

But in pursuit of style and beauty, we should not forget about security. Naturally, furniture should be selected taking into account the expected load. From ourselves we can advise: if there are children in the house (within the junior school age), do not buy open racks, or at least before buying carefully study them for sharp edges and corners that are present in almost all models with open glass shelves. These sharp corners can cause childrens injuries.

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